Where it all began, words create, the visionary, the story behind it all

Where it all began…..

You might think that byHISdirection is just a snazzy name that represents our faith. But it was born from pain and redemption. It literally exists because words create, and the owner and designer vowed to speak as God directs.

Vivian found herself on the outskirts of a friendship due to some misguided words. Though her intent was pure, her judgement left her friendship and her spirit broken. In an effort to redeem her friendship, she cried out to God in prayer to give her the words to speak that would not only let her friend know that she was sorry. But that also let her friend know that GOD sees her and knows exactly where she is.

Not only did God give her the words to say to her friend, HE kept speaking. Day after day, God would speak and she would type words of encouragement to her friend. Ending each email with in HIS Love and by HIS direction. It wasn’t just a slogan, it was a daily reminder to Vivian to guard her words and to be careful to not judge others when they are hurting or making poor decisions. This tag reminded her daily to show grace.

Grace is not just the underlined theme in this apparel line (byHISdirection Apparel) but also in every one of her books, devotionals, journals and classes. It is this designers prayer that each piece of clothing will inspire all who wear them to have faith, but to also speak words that create that same faith in others. Whether they are reading the words on a shirt or the words your actions speak. May you be a reflection of God in all that you do!